Saturday, November 2, 2013

Congratulations, Sue SanSoucie

Library trustees, staff and friends held a public farewell for retiring Montague Public Libraries Director Susan SanSoucie on Wednesday, October 23, 2013.  The event was very well attended by the community and the Western Massachusetts Library Advocates (WMLA) Board and membership.  In addition to her 30 years of service to the Montague Libraries, Sue has been an active member of the Western Region and is currently the Treasurer of WMLA.

“Sue has developed a library system that provides well for the needs of all the town. She has also maintained a great relationship with patrons, staff, town employees and especially with others in the Massachusetts library community. Her leadership extends beyond the town and puts Montague on the map as a town supportive of the need for libraries,” trustee Veronica Phaneuf said in a press statement.

Sue’s service to libraries has been exemplary, and we don’t expect that service to decline just because she has more time for her personal life.  Everyone enjoyed the celebration, praise from library users and colleagues and great food.  In addition to Sue’s fans in the photographs, other librarians attending included Christine Berquist, Janet Moulding, and Commissioner Jan Resnick, Even the Carnegie moose was decorated for the event.  Sue's last day as Director was Halloween.  Congratulations and best wishes, Sue.  WMLA Board meeting in two weeks. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Western Massachusetts Library Advocates - Board of Directors – 2014

At the fall meeting on October 16, the Western Massachusetts Library Advocates (WMLA) elected the following slate of officers and board members.  If you are interested in volunteering your support to WMLA, we would be honored to have you.  Please contact any member of the Board to volunteer.

Judith Clini
Agawam Pubic Library

 Vice President/President Elect

Susan A. SanSoucie
Montague Public Libraries – Soon to be retired

Bonnie Isman
Amherst, Jones Library – Retired

Past President
Chris Lindquist
Wellesley Free Library

Members at Large
Betty Johnson
Griswold Memorial Library, Colrain

John Ramsay
Springfield City Library

Jan Resnick
Commissioner, MBLC - formerly WMRLS staff

Cher Collins (new)
Westfield Athenaeum

Eliza Langhans (new)
Hatfield Public Library

Mary Anne Antonelis (new)
M.N. Spear Memorial Library, Shutesbury

Dan Paquette (new)
Learning Commons, UMASS Amherst