Monday, February 4, 2013

Nominate Someone Special - Deadline March 11, 2013

Nominate someone for “Outstanding Paralibrarian of the Year” or “Paralibrarian Advocate of the Year”.

Honor that outstanding paralibrarian you’ve worked with over the past year who consistently provides excellent service to everyone and goes above and beyond the call of duty each and every day.  Give them the opportunity to be recognized by their peers at this year’s annual MLA conference in Cambridge.
What better way to provide a meaningful tribute to that person who brings more to the job than what’s written in their job description!  How often has your paralibrarian colleague:
·        Assisted you in endless ways
·        Represented the library at a community or statewide event
·        Thought quickly on her/his feet to solve a problem
·        Taken initiative to begin a new service
·        Shown flexibility and adaptability with a difficult situation
·        Been an inspiration to others
·        Gone beyond the call of duty

If you work with or know someone who has demonstrated some of these immeasurable qualities, nominate him or her for “Paralibrarian of the Year”.


Equally as important is the “Paralibrarian Advocate of the Year”.  Do you know a director, trustee, supervisor, colleague or paralibrarian who has demonstrated their knowledge of the value of paralibrarians?  Former award winners were honored because they worked hard to increase the visibility of non-MLS staff.  These winners looked beyond the tasks of the job description and created new and exciting opportunities for paralibrarians while they demonstrated outstanding support for their valued colleagues.
You have the ability to say thank you in a very special and public way.  Submit your nomination for that exceptional coworker, assistant, collaborator at  Click on the dark brown box on MLA’s homepage that says:  “Nominate an Outstanding Paralibrarian or Paralibrarian Advocate today”.
Submission deadline is Monday, March 11, 2013! 
Don’t miss this opportunity to say “thanks”!!