Friday, February 18, 2011

Massachusetts Legislative Directory

The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation prepares a Massachusetts Legislative Directory for each 2-year session of the legislature. It provides a listing of legislators by town, and contact information including State House room and phone numbers, email and postal addresses for the State House and the district offices. It also includes listings of committees at the time the Directory is published. It is a very handy item for library and home.

The Directory is available for free if you provide the postage. Send a request including a letter-size self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) with $1.00 in postage on it to:

Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation - Legislative Directory
333 Washington Street, Suite 853
Boston MA 02108-5170

The directories will be available in late March or early April once room and committee assignments are completed. You can send your envelope in now; they'll hold it until the new directory is available.

Keep the advocacy momentum going.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Legislative Breakfast on YouTube

The 2011 Library Legislative Breakfast in Senator Stan Rosenberg's district was recently held at Greenfield Community College. It can currently be viewed on YouTube by clicking on the above link, or here:


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Last of the Pioneer Valley legislative breakfasts

Just a reminder - the last Pioneer Valley breakfast of the 2011 season will take place Friday, February 18 at 8:00 a.m. at Springfield City Library hosted by John Ramsay. The breakfast will cover the districts of Senators Gale Candaras and Jim Welch

Contact info and RSVP: