You spoke - they listened! In the Fall, Gale Cengage will launch a new interface for the individual Infotrac databases and Powersearch. You may recognize some of the changes as suggestions that were made by western Massachusetts librarians at our training programs, including more visible navigational links and the ability to search within a result list. To get a sneak peak at the new interface, visit and use your browser's find command to locate "Flash Tour." Check it out and let me know what you think!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
You spoke - they listened! In the Fall, Gale Cengage will launch a new interface for the individual Infotrac databases and Powersearch. You may recognize some of the changes as suggestions that were made by western Massachusetts librarians at our training programs, including more visible navigational links and the ability to search within a result list. To get a sneak peak at the new interface, visit and use your browser's find command to locate "Flash Tour." Check it out and let me know what you think!
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