The Friends of WMRLS will hold its Annual Meeting on Friday, October 3 from 10 - 12 at the Wendell Free Library on Wendell Common.
Have you been wishing you could take the time to visit the beautiful Wendell Free Library? Well, here’s your excuse! Wendell Free Library, a Together We Thrive and totally cool small library, will be the location for this year’s Friends of WMRLS, Inc. annual meeting on Friday, October 3rd. The meeting will begin at 10:00 with food and remarks by Rosie Heidkamp, Wendell’s Library Director, about the green design aspects of one of the newest libraries in one of the smallest towns in Western Massachusetts (Wendell has a population of about 1000). After a brief business meeting, Becky Marconi, Together We Thrive grant coordinator, will give a presentation and update on the progress of this LSTA project that WMRLS developed to help small public libraries.
Watch for more information and directions to the Friends of WMRLS annual meeting at Wendell Free Library on Friday October 3!