Thanks to all of you who participated in the WMRLS workshop "Pain in the Brain" that I facilitated on Wednesday morning, June 10 at the WMRLS headquarters in Whatley MA! Notes, slides, photos and podcasts (somewhat muted audio - be sure to turn up the volume!) follow.
Audio from all sessions is online at
Beth G.
Notes: Icebreaker: Things we find rewarding about working with teens
Drawing Exercise
Drawing Exercise Audio:
Group 1: Draw a TEEN, from a LIBRARIAN pov

- androgynous
- ipod
- cell phone
- texting
- talking
- trendy clothing
- eyes are - asleep or bored
- piercing
- love wikipedia
- barefoot or expensive sneakers that are untied or sandals in winter
- packs
- text the pack when alone
- unlit
- tattoos
- emo hair
- food & drink
- trail of trash
- waste
- games
- facebook or myspace
- chewing tobacco, sunflower seeds
Group 2: Draw a LIBRARIAN, from a TEEN pov

- old (at least over 25)
- concerned with enforcing rules (no skateboards, no cell phones, no talking loudly, no running, no food & drink, no FUN)
- "Do Not Disturb" sign
- behind a desk
- frowning
- bun & specs
- image may depend on where you grow up and the environment
- shushing action
- fists
- ruler!
- alone
- computer screen as a wall
Group 3: Draw a TEEN, from a TEEN pov

- important thing is being watched (through a magnifying glass)
- in a group
- high tech (cell phone, laptop, ipod)
- designer clothes
- librarian: you're too loud
- being judged all the time
- fashion
- concern - is he looking at me? am i measuring up
- hormonal
- multiple groups
- look older & sophistcated alone, younger when with parents
- insecure
- self-absorbed
- adults are insignificant - interfering annoying sound
- hungry for adult approval, ear to bend
- play it off as cool
- pulled in multiple directions (social pressure, school, etc)
Group 4: Draw a LIBRARIAN, from a LIBRARIAN pov

- androgynous
- many hats all at one time
- cape with a bolt of lightening
- superhuman
- flat shoes
- specs
- smiling
- pleasant
- computers AND books (Twilight)
- pulled in many directions
- social pressures
Are there any similarities in these images?
Does we all look like this? Do teens?
Audio for Slides & Discussion:
Behavior Lecture & Discussion, Part 1
Behavior Lecture & Discussion, Part 2